Pheonix SSI Model 791
  Pheonix SSIR Model 792
  Pheonix -M Model 793
  Pheonix -AM Model 105/205
  Core-Lith Model
  Core-Pace Model BT 01
  Parmanent Lead
  Temporary Lead
  Bipolar Lead - 7 F Lead


Core-Lith Model 221 Dual Chamber Pacemaker


  Core-Lith 221 is a bicameral, programmable pulse generator The pacemakers can be programmed with the range of values of the parameters that are detailed below.
  Programmable Parameter Values

Pacing Modes


Basic Pacing Rates

From 30 to 120 ppm

Maximum Rates

From 60 to 147 ppm.

Post Pacing AV Delays

From 63 to 281 ms, in steps of 15.625 ms.

Post Sensing AV Delays

From 53 to 272 ms, in steps of 15.625 ms. (3 values depending on rate).

Rates of Change of the Post Sensing AV Delay

From 60 to 147 ppm.


From 21 to 68 ms, in steps of 15.625 ms.

Atrial and Ventricular Pulse Amplitudes

2.5, 5.0 Volts.

Atrial and Ventricular Pulse Widths

From 0.122 to 1.464 ms in steps of 0.122 ms.

Atrial and Ventricular
Refractory Periods

From 195 to 430 ms,
in steps of 15.625 ms.

Refractory Period Post Premature Ventricular Event

From 195 to 430 ms, in steps of 15.625 ms, or VA period

Atrial Sensitivities

0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0.

Ventricular Sensitivities

1.0, 1.8, 2.6, 3.4, 4.2, 5.0, 5.8, 6.6.

Upper Rate Behavior

Off, Wenckebach, 2:1 block.

Atrial Pacing Polarity

Unipolar - Bipolar

Ventricular Pacing Polarity

Unipolar - Bipolar.

Sensing Polarity

Unipolar - Bipolar.

Coupled Pacing Delay

OFF, 395 ms, 410 ms, 426 ms.


0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% (single chamber modes)




  Physical Characteristics
  The Core-Lith pacemakers are made with an hermetically sealed lithium-iodine battery 

For better protection of the components from organic fluids, the electronic circuit and the battery are perfectly isolated into an hermetic titanium can.

The Core-Lith mass is 36 gr.

The connectors are made of stainless steel 316. The leads are fixed using screws that are adjusted with an Allen hex key. This key is included in the pacemaker blister.



Asynchronous mode

At BOL and OK: the period is 661ms 96 BPM.

At ERI: the period is  750ms   85 BPM.


WG 8950


Rate will go to 60 BPM irrespective of Programmed Value of Rate


Battery remaining capacity between 4 and 8% of the total.

When a magnet is applied the Magnet Rate will 85 BPM.


Battery remaining capacity under 4% of the total.

The Rate will be 60 BPM.


When the pacemaker senses events with a rate exceeding 11 Hz: a) if the programmed mode is DDD, DDI, or VDD, in presence of ventricular interference, it switches to VOO mode; in presence of Atrial interference, it switches to VVI mode.

b) if it is in a single chamber mode, it switches to an asynchronous mode.

  Testing The Pacemaker 
  In order to test if the pacing output is enough to stimulate the heart, switch the working mode to an asynchronous one (using a magnet or the PCP+  programmer). Once the pacemaker mode has been changed, the stimuli can be detected using an electrocardiograph.
  Tachycardia Treatment

Core-Lith Model 221 has two features for tachycardia treatment: the first one, temporary programming, consists in switching the pacemaker to an asynchronous mode at a special programmed rate. Usually a much higher rate than the basic one. The asynchronous pacing is maintained until the programmer head is put away from the pacemaker. In this moment, the pacemaker goes back to the original working mode. With the asynchronous stimulation at a high rate, the heart is stimulated in different moments of the cycle, helping to revert the tachycardia.

The second mechanism is enabled only when the pacemaker operates in VVI mode. It consists in sending coupled stimuli after the spontaneous QRS complexes, when the patient’s rate exceeds the programmed upper rate. The delay time is also programmable. This mechanism does not revert the tachycardia, but it decrements the rate of effective contractions.